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Internet Blocking
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Get the Most from Your Internet Blocking Solution

There’s no doubt about it – wasting time on the Internet during work hours is becoming more and more of a problem for employers throughout the U.S. and around the world. That’s why countless businesses have turned to software and hardware solutions that work as an Internet block, in an effort to prevent employees from visiting nonproductive websites while they’re working. This has proved to be a valuable tool for many employers, but this is a passive solution to prevent employees from wasting time with one outlet only. It still may not be enough to increase employee productivity. In recent years, Internet block solutions have become less effective thanks to the latest smart phone and tablet PC technology.


Blocked Websites Aren’t Really Blocked After All

Although you can certainly construct an Internet block that will function on business computers, your workers will still be able to visit a blocked site on their smart phone or tablet PC. Given the fact that the vast majority of employees carry smart phones or tablets with them each and every day, you can be certain that your workers have unlimited Internet access throughout the course of each day on their own personal devices. This means that a blocked site isn’t actually blocked at all! Thanks to smart phone technology, your employees can visit whichever blocked site they’re interested in 24/7.



An Internet Block is Only the First Step

If you’ve blocked websites that have proven to be time wasters for your employees, you’re definitely headed in the right direction. But blocked websites only address part of the problem. The other challenge is to motivate your employees to want to do a better job, and that’s why MySammy can be the perfect complement to your blocking software.

MySammy offers business owners and managers a different way to improve workers’ productivity. Our innovative software is designed to measure the amount of productive time each employee is spending throughout the course of a workday. Once you’re armed with that information, you can use MySammy to help you establish attainable goals for each individual employee. After those goals are set, you can find effective ways to reward employees for their accomplishments. That’s what motivating workers is all about. Before long, your employees will be meeting the goals you’ve established and enjoying their rewards for a job well done.

Used in conjunction with your Internet blocking software, MySammy will help to motivate your employees to be more productive, and increased productivity can be habit-forming! With MySammy, you’ll even give your workers the ability to monitor their own progress. Before you know it, they’ll be challenging themselves to work harder, accomplish their goals and be the very best they can be! 

Account Portal Shortcuts

Visit your account portal to run MySammy Manager to view your data or install client on additional workstations.

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